Get quick help with these common issues
What other software does GuestRevu integrate with?
GuestRevu currently integrates with some of the most widely used hospitality software in the world from PMSs to CRMs to chatbots. Click here to see if we integrate with the software you use
Exporting your guest data from GuestRevu
Exporting guest details from your GuestRevu account will show you whom you've contacted (or will be contacting) while customising your export using your preferred date range
Prevent a guest from receiving further GuestRevu emails
The more feedback the better, but you should never send guests emails they don't want. Click here to find out how to unsubscribe your guests from receiving GuestRevu emails
Manually adding guests to your GuestRevu account
Manually adding guests is useful when you only have one or two guests to upload, learn how to do this here.
Or if you'd like to upload your guests in bulk, click here